Silent Witness You're the one he asks for You're the one he needs. I beg he forgets you, Whom he longs for, Because he's my only greed. I built him temples, And watched as he worshiped you instead. I built worlds for my creed, But you were the deity all along. I will ask you to leave, And watch it all unravel. I wanted him to abandon the temples, But I watched his body rot by your feet. So I ask you not to leave, For you are his creed. I will watch from the sidelines, For my heart will bleed Every time you pass me by. -Riya
This blog is about facing life and sharing those remarkable experiences. It is handled by both me(Priya) and my sister Riya. We sincerely hope you guys will like the content! Anyone who is going through a tough time we, hope our posts will help you feel a little better!